43. Why it's Awesome to be a Highly Sensitive Person (Inspired to Be Authentic with Matt Landsiedel) | The Sensitive & Soulful Show
Jun 21, 2022Join me as a guest on Matt Landsiedel's podcast, Inspired to Be Authentic. We chat about all the reasons HSPs are amazing and special and needed in this world. It was a great reminder of all the gifts we have and the power they can have over us if we aren't careful.
In this episode, you'll learn:
- Turning perceived curses into blessing
- Honing your gifts to better your life
- The many, many reasons HSPs are awesome
A special thank you to Matt for having me on his podcast:
Follow Matt Landsiedel on Instagram: @inspiredtobeauthentic
Check out the Inspired to Be Authentic Podcast
Listen on Apple | Listen on Spotify